Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Do you know what it is to be "enriched"?
The definition is: 1) to supply with riches,wealth abundant or valuable possessions. 2) to supply
with abundance of anything desirable 3) to add greater value or significance to.

I do!!

(we both laughed and said"We are definately enriched!")
A very close,dear personal friend of mine and myself discussed this topic several times recently,
realizing that it's the lessons learned ,or not, from the experiences that you go through in life that actually enrich you.

I can say that the many different places that I've lived and worked, the people I've met ,the friends that I've had, and have , the family that is around ,or isn't anymore, the loves that I've had and lost and the one I await have all made me truly "Enriched"
"Using no way as way , having no limitation as limitation"

Certain people , places and events will always make memories....
But enrichment comes from the" living experience".
SHHHH....braincells dying!!
Not the party or the concert..
but the pain and the joy that built your character and gave you the strength to
 push forward everyday regardless of the struggle ahead.

So to all that I have met and experienced with....thank you for making me truly "Enriched"

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